4th Of July Mystery Prize…


Hi this is Lime, and sorry about not showing up for stuff… But Im going to have a prize for someone who can guess this place… You have until the 4th of July to answer. The first 3 people to get it right will win 2 promotions! Here is the question.

I might be plain and small… But I can really show my colors… What place am I?

And that was your questions? What could it be?  Oh and there will be a 4th of July promotion day for all you active people.

9 Responses

  1. is it a place on cp? If it is then I guess, uhhh errrr hmmmm,
    (three hours later) uhhhh I know!
    The night club!!!!!,
    Hiiiiiiiiya, (Nfuego2)
    C O D E N A M E : G.O.L.D S.H.E.E.P.

  2. It’s the USA!!!!!! woooooo!!! Go Marines!!!!! thats my answer. the usa

  3. it;s a club penguin place, nemo…

  4. oh. is it ur igloo????

  5. or the night club

  6. its the fire works at the iceburg and mountaintop

  7. The ice berg

  8. ice burg. final answer

  9. Night club I think

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