More Storm

The storm is making the sea animals in the cave (the place with the pool) do some crazy things:

Continue reading


Catchin waves has a new level:


Here’s an example of the deadly wave:


There are no iceburgs in that screen shot (woops, I thought I got one), but beware of iceburgs along the wave! Note how it adds your distance and your score. Just for doing survival, you start out with 400 points (40 coins). I really suck at that game, so that’s a new record for me!

Also, Rockhopper departed 😦 You’ll have to see the new post cards for yourself 🙂 They are scattered all through out the book.


Events page in the newspaper:



Copied from

Tuesday, June 26

Cool New Stuff!


Hello Penguins!

Today I wanted to highlight a couple of cool things we’re adding. Many of you have asked for it and so the official “Club Penguin Poll” has been added to the website home page. If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to check it out! If you have ideas for future questions let us know, we’ll be changing it at least once a week!

In other news: It turns out, there are still some penguins that are having trouble with learning how to surf. We wanted to make sure everyone enjoyed this new game so we’re launching a “Surf Lesson” mode that will show you the basics on how to stay on the wave and how to do some of the tricks. Hopefully this helps everyone get that much better at this fun new game!

Also, I can’t give away too much, but the storm off the coast is going to start causing some trouble on Club Penguin Island this weekend. Be sure to check it out and read the newspapers for more details! The storm will also bring in a new level on one of the games, but I can’t tell you any more than that. You’ll have to check it out on Friday!

Until then…Waddle on!

– Club Penguin Team


I actually meant to post this 3 months ago:

I found more glitches!

They are . . . .

1. You can still dance with the news! Just not the same way and nobody but you can see you doing it:


2. Talk with the news: (Nobody but you can see you doing it)


3. Talk and dance with the news: (Nobody but you can see you doing it)


4. News . . . No News. (People see you without reading it)


How do I do them? To find out, reach our next goal. . . .

Storm Pics

Different things have been appearing in the binoculars at the cove:




By the way, I just wanted to say that I will update the random pictures page on the first day of each month.

Theme Change

How do you like my new theme? Should I keep it or go back to my old theme?


There’s 3 new TV’s in the hq:


One is black that’s strange . . . .

Weekend Party

I found a hint of the weekend party! (In case you don’t know what the weekend party is, go to events of the newspaper)

Look at the boiler room:


See what happens when you move your mouse over it . . . .


It looks like there’s a storm coming in the binoculars . . . .


Rockhopper Returns

Rockhopper returns! Here are is rare items: (some are old and some are new)


Before anybody starts asking me, “where is the key? where is the key?” here is the answer . . .
There still isn’t one! Look:

Finally, the new pin is at the ski lodge:



Hey everyone, our first goal has been reached! 🙂 Now, I am going to open up our two pages and throw a WILD party ❗

You can comment this post or e-mail me at or (use this e-mail if you would like to add me to your site) voting for what day the party should be.

Rockhopper Returns

Sorry this is really late, but Rockhopper is returning! He lands tomorrow. Here he is now:



The summer party continues with new furniture, an old igloo coming back, a new floor, new songs, and two more items!


Flower Headress:

Also, there’s green sunglasses at the night club.


Click on Throne in Princess Throne

Upgrade Igloo

Deluxe Igloo:

See the rest for yourself ❗ 🙂


At the club penguin official blog, there’s news of summer!

Click to read whole thing


A new item came out for the summer party ❗ In red is the item, in blue is my new look. 😆

Click on picture


For the first goal (1,000 hits) many things will be happening ❗

First, there will be two new pages! For now, I don’t have them finished yet. Once they are finished, they will both be password protected. But once we reach our goal, I will open them to everybdoy. To view the pages, you’ll have to guess . . . THE PASSWORD!! Also, this post does not allow comments so nobody will be able to comment what the password is (sorry, but I just had to do it 😦 )

Second, there will be a party at my igloo! More info on that as we get closer to 1,000 🙂 .


Click on this link. Do it. Now.

When you’re done, click on the word ‘HERE’.


Summer Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❗

Free Items:

Click on each one to see the whole thing

1. Ski Village

2. Forest


Waves Cheat

Finally! I found a cheat. Well, atleast I hope this is a cheat rather than a
glitch . . . .

If you take your red puffle for a walk and play the Waves game, your penguin will be on one board, and your puffle will be on another board!

NOTE: This only works with the red puffle.


Today a new game came out! It’s called Catchin’ Waves!


To tell you the truth, I’m not good at it at all 😦

Hopefully, you’re better than me ❗

Glitches and Game

Well, this post has nothing but bad news. 😦 Here it is:

1.) Club Penguin is finding almost every glitch! Here are the ONLY glitches. And when I mean only, I mean only!

-Stand on pathway (see earlier post)
-Walk over door in Ice Rink (do Bunny Hill thing. Go to Ice Rink. Press Tab and then click over door)
-Stand on speaker in Night Club that leads to Boiler Room (press tab then click on speaker)

2.) Stupid cp service! The game probably isn’t going to come until 8:00, and I’ll be at school by then! I’ll have cheats for the game after school (hopefully I’ll find some) 🙂


Two things:

1.) WARNING! If you are doing my Time Warp cheat, make sure you turn the date back to normal or else the computer will start acting sloooooooow

2.) NEW PAGE! It’s called Random Pictures (sorry Sos Coco, but I just had to copy your great idea ❗ ) However, it won’t come until we reach our first goal . . . 1,000 hits. So tell your friends about this site and get ready for some random pics!


There’s a lot of new things in the clothing catalog. You’ll have to check them out for yourself.

Well, here are the secrets (sorry, but they’re not in order):




open and close the viking helmet 4 times to get the blue.

In other news, if you go to cp’s blog (click here to see it) the hut in the cove will soon be turned into cp’s newest game! Also, the whistle is no longer in the forest 😦