ACP Allies?

The leader of the ACP (the best army ever) (Oagalthorp) wants to ally with the Golds. I don’t want to say he’s crazy, but think about what the Golds have done. Do we really want to ally with these . . . these . . . well, you get the point. Go to the ACP home page and vote now. I said no, but the choice is up to you (yes is winning 😦 )


First off, viewer of the week is updated. Congrats to . . . yuytuy!

Second, today is . . . MY B-DAY! YAY! I had an awesome party. I got a new bike and a new cell phone. But today, my membership expires. I will not renew it. But this does not mean you will not see my waddling around. Yes, I will still play cp. Just not as much. If I don’t post something, well, sorry, but you’ll have to live with it (but I dont plan on missing anything).

With my membership expiring, I just hope this doesn’t mean I won’t be able to get the ninja clothes (they better be non-member).


Bribble will no longer be hosting free chats! So, on december first, the chat will go away! So, The Gold Vikings Staff is making a new one! Its an xat one.

I am so mad, the party not happening until tomorrow. PLZ COME! If not enough people come, I will litterally shut down this site. I’ll have details bout the new party later today.

And, see the bulletin board in the HQ.

CP Upadate

So, you may have noticed the music I have. I try to change it once every two weeks (atleast).

You can see night of the living sled in the lightouse. And, the walk on walls cheat is back! How people are doing it, I dont know. I try to do it how it used to work, but alas, it never works.

And, there is a yearbook in the book room! And, I am having a b-day party! 5:00am PST today. Frozen, UK. If you show up early, I dont care I’ll be there anyway. My igloo will be open. But, you must be on my chat.

New pin

I forgot to mention the new pin is out. Its sort of tricky to get. I’ll just say one thing: its in the pool. And when you collect all the treats, you get a scarf! But sadly, my membership will expire on my b-day. BUT GET READY TO PARTY WITH EGGYEGGS76’S BIRTHDAY BASH! See 2 posts before this one for details.


YAY! The halloween party is here! There is a scavenger hunt, just like there was in easter. However, this is something fun. I will not give you the answers. Search yourself. But, if you want ONE thing to get you started, click the button.

Continue reading


You can vote in the newspaper whether or not we should keep the wigs. I personally said yes, becuase I thought the wigs were a good idea. however, they didnt look that great. but if they stay, there might be better wigs.

Also: Here is my b-day invintation! my b-day is on the 28, but the party is on the 27.

What: EggyEggs76’s Birthday Bash!
When: Saturday, October 27, 6:00 am PST.
Where: Frozen, UK. My igloo. It will be open.

It ends at 7:00 am PST. We will be in my igloo until 6:05 PST. If nobody is in my igloo when you get there, search the server. NOTE: Everybody who attends must be on my chat
You may use your cp name and ur cp name ONLY as a nickname. Mods are allowed to come in as mods.


Well, first I will start with the bad news. Some penguins are being really stupid: “WHERE IS THE GREEN PARTY HAT FROM LAST YEAR?” I mean, its from last year! This is just as dumb as people saying “WHERE IS THE GOLD VIKING HELMET” I mean seriously, stop being stupid.

But, there is a NEW PARTY HAT IN THE BOOK ROOM. There’s going to be a bunch of penguins on it. Hold enter and keep clicking on it. I must say, I am a little dissappointed with it. It looks a little like the beta one (its not exactally the same though). To show off how rare u are, this is a good time to wear the first anniversary or beta party hat.

Mysterious Shadow . . . CONTINUED (duh duh duh)

The word about the mysterious shadow is spreading. So, you probably saw the two pics at, comparing the two shadows. But today, I found a new shadow (duh duh duh).

Check it out:


Look at the penguin. So tomtwelve, check it out.


In case you haven’t noticed yet, i joined the acp! i encourage you to too. Listen closely:

Go to this link. on the voting post, go to poll #2. VOTE FOR TOMTWLEVE!

If tomtwelve wins, we will throw a WILD party for him! WHOOOOO!

If tomtwelve wins top senator, we will throw a WILD party for him! WHOOOOO!

If tomtwelve wins senator, we will throw a WILD party for him! WHOOOOO!

If tomtwelve doesn’t win anything, we will laugh at him! WHOOOOO! (just kidding)

If tomtwelve doesn’t win anything, we will throw a NOT-SO-WILD party for him just for trying!

CP Update

Well, who here likes the pumkin igloo? I know I do! Check out Billybob’s igloo and another sneak peak of the Halloween party at

You may have noticed the new music I added to the site. I personally like music. But I am not too fond of the music I picked. But do YOU like the music I picked? Tell me yes or no. If no, tell me what kind of music I should get.

CP Update

Well, the new catalogs came out today! Secrets for furniture:

Click on fire pit
Click on piano
Click on home stereo

And, 2 out of 3 of these secrets are new!

Igloo upgrade:

New pumkin igloo!


Click on all snows in catalog: 1 on pg 2, 2 on pg 11, 1 on pg 16, 2 on pg 17. then click the basin igloo window.
Click on deluxe snow igloo door.

cant find the secret stone igloo cheat, if u find it tell me!


For a complete post with pics, see and look at the investigation continued post and the Shadow post.

Anyway, if you haven’t noticed yet, there is a shadow over the netting in the lighthouse. Oagalthorp noticed it first. He said it looks like a ninja. He e-mailed cp about it. Read the letter for urself at

Now, the first thing Tomtwelve did about this was look at an old pic of the net and a new one. They sure do look different. But the first one looks a little stretched out. So he zoomed out. Is there a shadow? See my comment on the investigation cont. post and take the poll now!

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Today, I found a new moving object. A flipping puffle!

Move ur mouse over the puffle in the night club and he’ll flip!

If the puffle has always done that, forgive me. I never noticed.

Finally, i officially quit the hang out. No goin back. I shall never forgive the people there. And if you don’t want to feel bad about urself becuase u were banned for no reason, I wouldn’t go there either. However, u can go to theclubpenguinplace (not mine but its cool 🙂 ) or u can go to mine now called the anti-dazz club.


Check out the new WIGS catalog in the gift shop. I wish they could have plain wigs instead of ones like ‘disco’

there are no secrets that i see. if there are tell me. if i find any i will surely post


I have tons and tons of people commenting about mods being banned. LISTEN TO MY WORDS CLOSELY: NO MODS ARE BANNED.

They don’t want anybody getting some lucky password guess, so they banned their accounts. They will unban themselves when they want to log on. When they log off, they will ban themselves again. This is a great way to see if RH is on or not when he is here.

PS: Can’t wait for new way to decorate ur penguin tomorrow!

Wait, there’s a new way to decorate your penguin tommorow? 😯



I have made a CP quiz! Here’s the link:

First person to get a 100% will be automatic viewer of the week!


Weird . . .

Look at this pic. I’ve never seen this before. In blue are all the light man’s and in red is the real light man.


Viewer of Week

This is going to be the 3rd viewer of the week in allcheatsforclubpenguin history. Dim the lights, get a drum roll going, and here we go.

THE DUDE, you had a number of comments this week.
malvis and icyo, you did good on advertising your site on pages (thx for not doing it on posts)

You three are the top three. But only one can win. Who will it be?

icyo, you are not this week’s viewer of the week. Please take a seat.

malvis . . .

You are not the viewer of the week either. Please take a seat.

So this week’s one and only viewer of the week is . . . THE DUDE!

How are you feeling right now? Want a prize?
Choose any thing and I’ll make it happen (as long as it’s not too ridiculous).

Join in next time and maybe you can be . . .


In other news, I am now 367 days old, that’s over 365! So, on my b-day (oct. 28), there will be a WILD party.

In other (other) news, go to my chat. It is pretty sweet! You can be a mod if you’re lucky and you’re there at the same time as me.

CP Update

This is the best costume catalog ever! My penguin was created when the clown costume was out, but i was not a member. So it’s good to have it now! Here are the secrets:

Click the center of the penguin diving into the paint bucket on the very first page.
Click the middle of the princess on the second halloween page
Click on the designer glasses
Click the bottom of the blue roller skate