what hakers people are these days. look (click to see whole):

17 Responses

  1. i liked your picture
    Visit me my CP blog

  2. I think i saw fiddy 1 today cuz the penguins name was fiddy45 or somthing like that.

  3. Bu the pic is cool,that hacker must know his or her stuff!

  4. kshofgsd;lj

  5. how do you get up there!

  6. everyone please go to http://www.luhy.wordpress.com for clubpenguin stuffs

  7. Hey,
    Pinkey2we here. I have a funny blog its http://www.luhy.wordpress.com it would be good if you came but it would be the best if you added me to your blogroll! If you add me to your blgoroll leave a comment on my blog, and I will add you ASAP! Please despite teh fact about how it has low hits!And if anyone wants to be on my blogroll you just come onto and ask me to add you and if you meet the requirements I will add you http://www.luhy.wordpress.com
    -Pinkey2we :mrgreen:

  8. That wasnt a hack, my friend on CP is a Ninja and he said when your penguin is over 320 and you, go to the dojo on November, and wait there in black, a few penguins appear dressedin black and brown ninja gear, and ask “You Wanana be a Ninja?” and they send you a friend invite.. Lots of people do it, and you have to be picked

  9. wow cool 🙂

  10. Any haker contact me immideately. I need your help.

  11. mkay sorry people i was stupid back then and now i know how they got up there…. hacking. CP trainer. they banned CO trainer. it doesnt work anymore. the new one is penguin storm. i got it. i dont use it. other peolple cant see you on walls. but you can be a bot…. i hate to hack.

  12. I need to talk to a real haker

  13. i need to know everything about computer and internet

  14. i am haker and d.k. drift king

  15. fuck you cock fags

  16. PLEASE COME TO MY WEBSITE WRITE IN http://clubpenguinspeed336cheatsite.vpweb.co.uk OR IT


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