Cp Update

So, first I’d like to start off with a sorry. I rushed the last coulple posts, but now I am going to take my time and write more on my posts again. And, on wordress, there’s a new count words button so I can make sure I didn’t rush it. In this paragraph, only there is 58 words!

Alright. So. CP is back to normal. No more camping. The cove looks sort of crappy if you ask me. I mean, without the waterfall and all the cool camping stuff, it just doesn’t look as good.

By the way, do you think the clothing catalog is this Friday (becuase it is usually every two weeks a catalog comes out; switching between clothing and furniture), or do you think it comes out in two weeks (because it usually comes out the first friday of the month)? Comment to answer.

Finally, there was a party with my cp buddies. I took some pics:


Click on it:

Click on it:



Click on it:


Click on it:

2 Responses

  1. I really liked the waterfall at the cove , I think that the Club Penguin Staff should have keeped it. Maybe we should all email them to put it back in and keep it.



    Good idea!

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